Saturday, December 10, 2011

Trailcam catches a white-tailed deer- finally!

The broad, brown tail with a white tip confirms the species
as a white-tailed deer.
Photo by Brad Sylvester, copyright 2011. Do not copy.
After determining that white-tailed deer do, indeed, live in my yard based on the tracks they left in the snow and the droppings they left, I placed my trailcam in a spot that I thought was likely to be frequented by passing deer. The evidence of tracks in the snow at this location made that an easy choice, but there are other clues that this might be a good travel route for deer as well.

Glens (long, shallow valleys among the hills) are
often preferred terrain for deer trails.
Photo by Brad Sylvester, copyright 2011. Do not copy.
The daylight photo at the right shows the terrain a little better. You'll notice that it is relatively clear of underbrush, making it easy for deer to walk through. Second, a little glen runs through this particular area. A glen, of course, is a small valley-like area or a low point with higher ground on either side. Deer seem to choose glens, most likely for the natural cover they provide, as their preferred  routes of travel through the forest.

Male or Female?

At this time of the year, male white-tailed deer have antlers for the rutting season. later in the winter, their antlers will fall off, but for now (and during hunting season) antlers are the easier way to distinguish bucks from does. The lack of antlers on this deer says that it is a doe. From the size relative to the plants around it, it looks as though it is an adult female. It looks well-fed.

Determining a Deer's Sex with Hoof Prints

In the photo, you can see that as this deer is walking, it move its right front and left rear feet at the same time and vice versa. With each step the rear foot comes up near the front foot of the same side.
When tracking deer, I've been told that you can tell the sex from the hoof prints alone. I didn't know if it was true, but this picture seems to confirm what I've heard. The story goes like this: female deer walk with their rear feet outside (or wider) than their front feet because they have wider hips for giving birth. Bucks, on the other hand, have broad, muscular chests to carry the weight of and fight with their antlers. This widens the distance between their front feet making the buck's front feet wider apart than their back feet. I can't verify the accuracy of this method, but that's what I've always heard and this picture of a doe confirms that her rear feet are indeed wider than her front feet. With a number of similar photos of both sexes, we could answer this for sure, one way or the other.The rear foot will often be placed either a bit behind the front foot print, or even on top of it, partially covering it.

Trailcam Photo Quality 

The trail cam photo of white-tailed deer at the top left of this entry has been adjusted by me using a basic photo editor. I adjusted brightness and contrast until I felt the deer was easier to see. You'll notice the small branch in front of the camera that seems to have affected the focus a bit. I've removed the branch so that, hopefully, the next photo will be clearer. The original, unretouched photo is at the lower left of this entry.

Unadjusted trailcam photo taken using an infrared
flash in the dark of night.
Photo by Brad Sylvester, copyright 2011. Do not copy.
You can also see from the time stamp on the photo that it was taken at 2:58 a.m. EDT on the morning of December 10th. That was the day before a full moon and there was quite a bit of moonlight giving good visibility that night. The trailcam's date stamp feature lets you know what time deer are active at specific locations. BY tracking time patterns, you can see if a particular deer uses the trail regularly, perhaps to journey back and forth to a preferred feed spot.

I've mentioned previously that deer tend to feed in the early evening hours and early morning hours, right around dusk and dawn. Remember what animals with this pattern are called? They are called crepuscular feeders. White-tailed deer are often hunted during the daylight hours when they can be found walking around actively. Finding them active also at this late hour of the night means that deer can be found roaming the woods at practically nay hour of the day or night.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

White-tailed deer drops more clues in my yard

Pile of droppings from a white-tailed deer.
Photo by Brad Sylvester. copyright 2011. Do not copy.
In my last entry, I showed the tracks of the white-tailed deer in the shallow snow in my back yard. Read details about deer tracks and white-tailed deer information at this entry. I have had the trailcam set up for 24 hours in a position where the tracks suggest deer pass fairly regularly. Checking it this morning, it recorded no activity.

However, I did find new evidence of white-tailed deer living in my yard yesterday morning when I was setting up the trail cam. That evidence was scat or deer droppings. As I mentioned in the previous post, white-tailed deer are ruminants, meaning they have several chambers in their stomachs and chew their cud to get the maximum amount of nutrition from their food. This results in droppings or scat with a very uniform consistency, there are no identifiable bits of wood fibers or anything else in white-tailed deer scat.

Detail of white-tailed deer scat showing tapered nub at
the ends of the pellets.
Photo by Brad Sylvester. Copyright 2011. Do not copy.
White-tailed deer scat takes the form of a small pile of pellets each measuring roughly 5/8" in length. The pellets are all very similar in shape. They are little ovals with a small nub at the end as it tapers down as shown in the detail picture to the right. Rabbit pellets will be distinctly round as opposed to oval shaped. Porcupine pellets will vary in length and shape as opposed to uniform deer pellets.

Some animals leave droppings outside their dens and it eventually builds up to large accumulations of droppings. Deer are not one of these. Deer droppings will be found in small, isolated piles along the path the deer followed.

Depending upon the deer's diet, the pellets may all be stuck together in a clump, but in my experience, this is fairly rare in New England and you are much more likely to find deer droppings as individual pellets as shown in the photos on this page.

Determining the Age of Deer Scat

The exact color of the white-tailed deer's scat may vary according to diet as well. Generally black to dark brown when fresh and turning light brown to tan when old and thoroughly dried out. The dropping shown in these pictures are between 2 days and 5 days old. I can tell that they are fairly fresh from the look of them, but I walked the trail on which they were found several times a week and so was able to establish that time window for their deposit. If you slice them in half, deer droppings tend to dry out from the inside out and you can tell about how old they are by the amount of drying inside. I'm not cutting these open to demonstrate. It takes some practice, but to learn the typical drying patterns, find a fresh pile along a frequently travelled trail and cut open a pellet every day so you know the exact age of the scat and can see how much it dries each day. This may vary by the season and weather, as well. Then, when you are hunting or scouting hunting locations, you'll be able to tell the approximate age of the scat and determine how fresh the trail you're following may be.

Other aging clues are the amount of fallen leaves or other debris on top of the scat pile or snowfall.

With the tracks I had already found, I was quite confident that white-tailed deer lived in my yard. Now, the scat provides even more solid evidence of their frequent presence in my back yard, so we can definitely say that white-tailed deer live in my yard.