Master List of Animals that Live in my Yard

This page is the master list where I'll record every species of animal that I find in my yard. Each listed species will include a link to the blog entry where the species was first discovered and details about the method used to find it.

There will also be a MYSTERY CREATURE section where I'll list animals whose species I can't identify. If you can help me with any of those, I'd appreciate it.

Domestic Animals

Chickens (Gallus gallus) Outdoors and in coops (This link goes to "Living with the Land," another blog I write)
Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) Indoors and outdoors
Cat (Felis catus) Lives indoors only
Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) Outdoors and in coop

Wild Animals

Mammals- Total so far: 10
Chipmunk, Eastern July 5th, 2011 and a chipmunk's burrow June 9, 2012
Striped Skunk October 27, 2011
Gray Squirrel November 19, 2011
White-tailed Deer, November 27, 2011 (tracks and scat)
Porcupine January 17, 2012
Deer Mouse February 3rd, 2012
Moose February 6, 2012 Sighting, tracks and scat --- BIGGEST ANIMAL in my Yard
American Black Bear May 8, 2013
Red Squirrel August 2014
Groundhog April 24, 2020

Birds- Total so far: 28
Cedar Waxwing July 8th, 2011
Black-capped Chickadee November 21, 2011
Ruffed Grouse January 18, 2012
American Goldfinch February 26, 2012
Red-tailed Hawk March 7, 2012
Pine Siskin March 10, 2012
Whip-poor-will May 19, 2012
Tufted Titmouse February 8, 2012
White-breasted Nuthatch March 29, 2014
Northern Cardinal (Video from September, 2022)April 27, 2013
Black-throated Blue Warbler May 11, 2013
White-throated Sparrow April 27, 2013
American Tree Sparrow February 2015
Downy Woodpecker March 2015
Hairy Woodpecker March 2015
Blue Jay March 2015
Dark-eyed Junco March 2015
Northern Redpoll February 2015
Eastern Phoebe May 2, 2015
Yellow-rumped Warbler May 2, 2015
Chipping Sparrow May 3, 2015
Indigo Bunting  May 17, 2015
Ruby-throated Hummingbird  May 2015
Broad-wing Hawk  July 12, 2015
Hermit Thrush  April 28, 2020
Ovenbird May 16, 2020
Sharp-shinned Hawk  April 18, 2020
Gray Catbird Video link only September, 2022

Insects- Total so far: 26
Bumblebee, Two-spotted July7th, 2011
Butterfly, Eyed Brown  July 11, 2011
* Butterfly, Grass Skimmer Family July 22,2011
*Butterfly, Great Spangled Fritillary August 2011 (Video of Fritillary Butterflies)
* Common Black Ground Beetle and Larva August 3rd and August 4th, 2011
Butterfly: Monarch September 6, 2022
Damselfly, Ebony Jewelwing June 9, 2012
* Damselfly, Spreadwing species August 6, 2011
Dragonfly, Crimson-ringed Whiteface  July 9, 2011
Dragonfly, Ruby Meadowhawk or Cherry-faced Meadowhawk, August 12,2011 
Dragonfly, Twelve-spotted Skimmer, August 12, 2011
Fly, Drone July 14, 2011
Grape Tumid Gallmaker, August 11, 2011 --SMALLEST ANIMAL in my Yard
Grasshopper, Green-striped July 10, 2011
Grasshopper, Two-striped July 5th, 2011
Honeybee, Italian May 16, 2016
Katydid, Fork-tailed Bush, September 14, 2011
* Moth, Double-lined Prominent July 12, 2011 (probable- possibly Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar Moth)
Moth, Northern Pink-striped Oakworm June 8, 2012
Moth, Polyphemus (both caterpillar and adult moth) September 2011 
* Scorpionfly July 15, 2011 (Photo Slideshow)
Western Conifer Seed Bug, July 2011 -sometimes called a stink-bug or a pine seed bug
*Wireworm (Click Beetle larva) April 25, 2012
Asian Lady Beetle  January 2015
Japanese Beetle July 2014
June Bug May 2014

Reptiles- Total so far: 2
Snake, Garter September 25, 2011
Northern Red-Bellied Snake, June 2014

Amphibians- Total so far: 8
American Toad August 6, 2011
Northern Green Frog July 15, 2011
Spring Peeper April 23, 2012
Eastern Red-spotted Salamander October 20, 2012
Northern Redback Salamander October 20, 2012
Pickerel Frog August 17, 2014
Spotted Salamander November 2, 2013
Gray Tree Frog August, 2022

grub found inside grape tendril -Identified!

Total Species Count: 78

*- Asterisk beside animal name indicates uncertain identification

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, this has been a joy to read and discuss with my son. I hope you are still working on it!!
