Thursday, April 12, 2012

Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Kits (not in my yard)

Baby red fox spotted in Strafford, NH
Photo by Brad Sylvester, copyright 2012.
Yesterday, I happened to spot three baby red foxes, known as kits. They are not located in my yard, a fact which I'm sure would be good news to my chickens, but they are in my town, Strafford, NH. They were just too cute to exclude from the blog.

I saw three kits, but did not see any adult foxes with them. They were playing outside the opening to their den. The mother was undoubtedly just inside keeping a watchful eye and ear on them as they played. I took these photos using an 840mm equivalent zoom lens at twilight, so I apologize for the poor quality of the images, but it was the best I could do under the circumstances.

I was standing about 50 yards away from the kits when I took the pictures. They took no notice of me whatsoever, which is just the way I wanted it. I do not want to either make the mother fox feel as though her den is not safe or acclimate the babies to the presence of humans so I made sure to keep a good distance. For the same reason, I will not divulge the exact location of the den. Although, I may return under better light conditions to take more photos from an equally distant vantage point, I will not approach the den or any wild fox.
Although it is looking in the direction of the camera, the
red fox kits took no notice of me as I watched from 50 yards
Photo by Brad Sylvester, copyright 2012.
Foxes, especially a mother guarding a den, can be aggressive at times. If you should see one, observe from a long distance using binoculars or a spotting scope. Never approach a wild fox. If it appears injured and you think it might need aid, call a NH Fish and Game Department Wildlife Conservation Officer.

It is highly likely that red foxes do frequent my yard, but until I can photograph or provide other direct evidence, they don't get on the list of what lives in my yard.

At times, the baby foxes seemed to disappear as they played in and around the opening of their den.
Photo by Brad Sylvester, copyright 2012.

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